Sunday, 26 May 2024


AIdeation, or ideation facilitated by generative AI, is adding to the risk of idea overload, that is, having too many ideas and being overwhelmed with choice.Yes, ideators, with the help of GenAI can run the risk of being overstimulated for their own good. But there are ways to handle ideaflation too. 1. Jot down your ideas in real time (words, images, sound). 2. Record your ideas, and store them in a folder so you can retrieve them as and when. 3. Revisit your ideas and update as necessary. 4. Share your ideas with others - don't hoard ideas for the sake of it. And so, beat ideaflation by managing the flow or stream of ideas creatively. In this endeavour, a creative mindset plays an important role not only for producing something new but also for driving and delivering the ideation process. But remember, a good idea is nothing but an idea. Or, to paraphrase Shakespeare; What's in an idea? That which we call an idea by any other name would be as good.

Sunday, 5 May 2024

Ideation toolbox

The evolution of computing platforms, online networking and cloud-based CAD have accelerated the digital design process and the result is that new generations of designers across industries are getting less familiar with traditional studio skills such as freehand drawing or hands-on physical modelling. In fact, virtually no product today is created without the use of CAD software—through design, simulation and manufacturing. But digital default settings also impact face-to-face interpersonal skills and designers commonly find themselves physically isolated with their own screens. Yet what are designers' tool needs in order to achieve, or retain harmonious passion for ideation? CAD, for example, has been seen as a technology that takes away from the creative design process as designers might immediately jump onto CAD tools after coming up with an idea, an idea that, moreover might have been generated by AI chatbots. Everyday casual studio observation, however, suggests that increased screen time doesn't necessarily reject analogue tools such as the sketchbook or the whiteboard. But whatever toolbox, analogue or digital, designing involves tools options for designers to choose from, at least in the early stages of the design process.

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