Monday, 14 October 2024

Agency of freehand drawing

The arguments for and against drawing, or rather thinking with pen and paper versus with an electronic device, such as a digital tablet have been going on for years. Yet no firm conclusion has been reached either way. Yes, drawing on digital devices, and facilitated by software is generally considered to be easier and faster. And sharing digital work is much faster than sharing paper sketches. Also, improving, deleting, scaling or copying is more convenient on a digital device than on paper. Yet drawing on paper is a grounding experience - the friction of the pencil on paper guided by the hand has a different feel to it compared with using a stylus on a screen assisted by software. But when creative deadlines are tight, paper drawing can be seen as a time-consuming luxury. But, as practitioners of drawing on paper would argue, this is a luxury needed to allow designers to work independently, transparently and honestly in the early stages of designing. That is, the freehand drawing, in contrast to the "black box" of computing, is capable of expressing thoughts and feelings that complete the original quality of the design idea. Although it is for individual designers to decide what tool(s) they find most beneficial for their ideation practice, the aim of the workshop is to raise awareness of ideation through engagement with a range of ideation tools.

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