Saturday, 16 March 2019

Ideation guidelines

The ways designers go about ideation vary according to task, tools used, and experience. Yet in an attempt to describe ideation as a process one might apply the four steps, or the Double Diamond method based on the UK Design Council's simple way of mapping the design process*. The four steps - Discover, Define, Develop, and Deliver, when transferred to the ideation process may suggest the following guidelines: 1. Discovery stage, when a project space is created for generating and researching ideas (ideally a versatile studio space); 2. Definition stage, when the task or problem at hand is identfied and parameters set; 3. Development stage, when the range and number of generated ideas are reduced through filtering and refining resulting in, say three strong ideas; 4. Delivering stage, when the idea(s) are communicated effectively. Source:

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