Wednesday, 12 January 2022

Generation S

Baby boomers, Generation X, Millennials, and Gen Z are generation labels used in order to explain the core ideas and beliefs of a generation, which ultimately shape the world in which the following generation will live. But what really determines a generation leap? Are we witnessing the birth of a new generation marked by the effects of Covid-19? Generational analysis was pioneered by the German sociologist Karl Manheim (1893-1947) and subsequent generational studies have focused on how to better understand trends in consumerism, political participation and preferences in the workplace that contribute to making each generation unique. Although generation labels can only partially explain what makes generations different from each other, they hold value in that they help us understand the place we occupy in a changing world. And so, in the context of design in a digital age, the ideation workshop could be a venue for demonstrating the importance of generations in the use of conceptual tools, and sketching in particular. Or, what Generation(s) S(ketch)?

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