Friday, 16 December 2022

Thinginess of AI

Generative design software, both 2D and 3D, is increasingly overcoming its perceived lack of thinginess, the tangible reality or objectivity of the proposed design. Moreover, AI image generators are rapidly advancing producing artistic imagery based on text prompts, such as DALL-E 2. That is, the generator allows the ideator to type in a description of what they want, and the generator will create the image as close as possible to the prompt. Text-to-image AI art generators, then, can be regarded as another ideation tool to help generate, represent and communicate ideas. AI image generators, however, are only the latest development of generative design. CAD and CAM software already presents designers and engineers with an array of design options that best meet their requirements. That is, designers choose the best design, or, if none of the options meet their needs, they can begin the generative process again, this time offering slightly different inputs. The development of generative design software, then, reflects the changing form and character of the design process itself. This rapid change, however, may pose the question; what has been gained or lost in the technological evolution of designing not just in terms of skills, habits and modes of representation but also in our understanding of contemporary design culture, including teaching and learning design.

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